For a safe pregnancy and childbirth


ページID: 20903

Provisional Translation

Pregnancy and parenting checklist: Things you should do during pregnancy, after birth and before your child starting school (Must-Dos are marked with ★)

Step1 ▶ Getting ready to be a mum

I’m pregnant!     Go to OB-GYN to confirm your pregnancy.

★ Decide where to give birth

Get a Maternal and Child Health Handbook (and have a maternal consultation)

Know the public health nurses of your area!

★ Other procedures    

● Apply for Marufuku (medical welfare scheme) for pregnant women.

Do not forget to apply in advance if you are going to have your maternity checkups outside Ibaraki Prefecture!

Come and join the "Maternity Salon" when you are 5 - 6 months pregnant and in good health condition!

★ Questionnaire for 8 months pregnant women: You may talk to a public health nurse if you wish!

★ Apply for a Childbirth Lump-Sum Allowance

Please ask your health insurer for details!

★ Go to the birthing facility for childbirth

Step2 ▶ When your baby is born

Don't worry. It does not hurt.

★ Other procedures

● Birth registration ● Child Allowance

● Joining in the national or workplace health insurance

Marufuku (medical welfare scheme) for children

● Filling in a health service registration form (newborn home visit postcard)

Step3▶ For the health of the mother and child

★ Two-week postnatal checkup

You might feel exhausted by this time. Do not push yourself!

★ One month checkup for the mother and baby

Happy one month old! Well done to you and your baby. Ask your midwife any baby-related questions!

A public health nurse will visit your home to weigh your baby and talk with you about your baby!

Details will be provided at newborn home visit.

The first vaccination is available from 2 months old! If you are going to take your baby to a healthcare facility outside Ibaraki Prefecture for vaccination, do not forget to apply in advance!

 Ask questions about pre-school aged child including their development and nutrition. You may also check your child’s weight here.

 ● First checkup: Take your baby when he/she is between 3 and 7 months old. Do not forget to make an appointment at a healthcare facility in advance!

Step4▶ From home to community

 Learn how to prepare baby food when your baby is around 4 to 5 months old!

★ Infant health checkup

● Second checkup:

Take your baby when he/she is between 9 and 12 months old. . Your baby may be able to stand up by holding onto things by this time.

●from 3 years old for kindergarten

If you are not sure about which daycare center you should send your child to, make an appointment with "hoiku (childcare) concierge"!

Take your child when he/she is around

3 years and 5 months old. If you have any concerns, ask one of the public health nurses!

★Health checkup before starting elementary school: Get ready to start school!

★ Starting elementary school


A public health nurse in your area will support you from your pregnancy to motherhood! Please do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have. We look forward to getting to know you and your baby.


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〒305-8555 つくば市研究学園一丁目1番地1
電話:029-883-1111(代表)平日 ファクス:029-828-6203
