The 119 Number for Fire and Medical Emergency Services
If you do not speak Japanese, please stay on the line. An interpreter will join the call between you and the operator. Our interpreting service is available 24/7/365 in 21 languages.
Languages available: English, Chinese (Mandarin), Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Malay, Tagalog, Nepalese, Burmese, Khmer, Mongolian, Sinhala, Hindi, Bengali, Portuguese, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Russian.
When you call 119, remain calm and answer the operator’s questions needed for an ambulance dispatch.
- Is it a fire or medical emergency?
- Location: tell the place of the fire or medical emergency
(Note)If you do not know the address, describe a nearby building or an intersection as a landmark. - Describe the situation
In case of fire: what is burning, what is the intensity of the fire, are there any injured or unable to evacuate.
In case of a medical emergency: who needs help, what are the symptoms and for how long, what part is injured. - Your information: give your name and a phone number that can be contacted after the call ends.
(Note)Ambulance service is available for anyone with sudden illness or serious injury.
The 110 Police Emergency Number
Dial 110 to report an accident or a crime. Basic English language is spoken at Ibaraki Prefectural Police 110 number. Other languages interpretation is available with the aid of an interpreter. Please let the operator know what language you can speak.
When you call 110, the operator will ask the following questions.
- Is it a crime or an accident?
- When did it happen?
- Where did it happen?
- Have you seen the criminal or the car number plate?
- What is the condition of the crime/accident scene?
- Your information (name, nationality, language).
Police Consultation Service #9110
In case you want to consult the police, but it is not the emergency, dial #9110.
Using 110 number in non-emergency cases may cause obstruction of an emergency communications.
Global City Promotion Division
1-1-1 Kenkyu-Gakuen, Tsukuba 305-8555
Phone: +81-29-883-1111 Fax: +81-29-828-6204