Search for doctor
This website allows you to search for doctors (medical institutions) in Ibaraki prefecture who speak foreign languages.
In case of sudden illness and serious injuries
Call the ambulance
Please view the HP's What's new column for the list of hospitals/clinics open on Sundays and Holidays.
When not sure whether to call an ambulance, or worried about sudden illness or injury
Otona Kyukyu Denwa Soudan (emergency hotline for adults) (Japanese only)
#7119 (from touch-tone phone/mobile)
In case your child becomes ill on Sundays/Holidays or at night
Kodomo Kyukyu Denwa Sodan (emergency hotline for children) (Japanese only)
#8000 (from touch-tone phone/mobile phone)
050-5445-2856 (from any phone)
Language support
Volunteer translator is available to support those who cannot speak Japanese.
(Note)Only at designated hospitals. Advanced reservation is required through hospitals to use this service.
Tsukuba International Association
Medical Handbook
Medical Handbook provides basic phrases and useful expressions you can use at the hospital. You can explain your symptoms or answer basic questions simply by pointing at the phrases and expressions on the handbook. The handbook is available in English, Chinese, Korean, Thai, Spanish, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Indonesian, and Tagalog. You may download the handbook from the homepage.
Global City Promotion Division
1-1-1 Kenkyu-Gakuen, Tsukuba 305-8555
Phone: +81-29-883-1111 Fax: +81-29-828-6204