"Self Plan" for Pregnancy and Parenting (Parenting Guide)
(Must-Dos are marked with ★)
Pregnancy Period
Once you register your pregnancy, why not set a plan so that you have a better understanding of what it is like to give birth and to have a baby.
★□ Health management during pregnancy
★□ Check things and procedures you need to do with your family.
Work-related things you should do
□ Tell your workplace your due date
□ Communicate with your workplace how you would like to work during pregnancy.
□ If you feel unwell, talk to your doctor or midwife, and submit a Maternal Health Management and Guidance Card (母性健康管理指導事項連絡カード)* to your workplace.
□ Ask for time off from work if you need it for your maternity checkup.
□ Communicate with your workplace about parental leave.
□ Prepare your handover before maternity leave.
Information for working mothers to be (* downloadable)
Information for working mothers to be (* downloadable)
What you and your family should decide together
★□ Choose a birthing facility and make an appointment for delivery.
★□ Tell your workplace your due date, ask about and do the paper work for maternity and parental leave.
★□ Stop smoking
★□ If you are going to have maternity checkups outside Ibaraki Prefecture, you need to apply for it at least one month in advance.
★□ Pack your bag for labor.
★□ Prepare baby items.
★□ Make sure you know your family’s emergency numbers and who can support you.
★□ Secure transport to get to the birthing facility.
What you may need to talk about (such as using private services)
□ Look for taxi services if you need them for maternity checkups and/or delivery.
□ Look for childcare services for your older child.
□ Look for home delivery services for food, daily necessities, and other items.
□ Look for housekeeping support services including cooking and cleaning.
Parenting period
What you should do with your spouse/partner and family. Who can help you?
□ Choose a pediatrician for your child and make an appointment for vaccinations and infant health checkup.
□ Ask for help and advice regarding your child's growth and development at your local health center and family support center if necessary.
□ Share information and experiences with other mums and dads at your local family support center and other places.
Procedures related to you and your spouse/partner's workplace
□ Apply for a parental benefit at the workplace.
□ Apply for an exemption for social security fees (health insurance and pension) at the workplace.
□ Also plan and apply for a paternal leave.
□ Plan when to go back to work, do some research on daycare and application procedures.
□ Discuss how you share childcare and housework once you return to work with your spouse/partner and other family members.
□ Plan and discuss with your workplace how you and your spouse/partner is going to work after parental leave, including asking for a shorter working hours.
□ Look for services you may want to use including Family Support and babysitting.
Boshimo, a Maternal and Child Handbook App Tsukukko! Sukusuku App
You can see all the parenting information you need in Tsukuba at a glance. These apps also offer useful functions to help you record your child's every day growth and plan when to have vaccinations. Take advantage of these apps along with the paper based Maternal and Child Health Handbook!
Boshimo, a Maternal and Child Handbook App Tsukukko! Sukusuku App
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