Multilingual Service


ページID: 21308

Multilingual Automatic Translation

Tsukuba City’s official website can be translated into English, Chinese(Simplified Chinese), Chinese (Traditional Chinese), Korean, Español, Português, Vietnamese, Indonesian and Thai and more by automatic mechanical translation system. Due to mechanical translation, the translated texts may loss the original meaning. Tsukuba City will not be responsible for any error incurred by the translation inaccuracy.
For questions, please contact the Global City Promotion Division.



Free Consultation Services for foreign residents of Tsukuba

Tsukuba One-stop Inquiry Desk for Foreign Residents(つくば市外国人相談窓口)


Details of the Tsukuba City Consultation Service for Foreign Residents
Division overview
Location 1-1-1, Kenkyuugakuen, Tsukuba
City Hall of Tsukuba, 5th Floor, Global City Promotion Division
Consultation Day Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays
Closed Saturday, Sunday, National Holiday,
Year-end and New Year Holiday

This is a multilingual contact point that provides information regarding life in general, and introduces relevant consultation desks to foreigners residing in Tsukuba and neighboring municipalities.
You can call or visit the Office in person.
Charges are free. (Call charges are payable by callers.)
We will provide information on or connect you to relevant authorities overseeing the procedures for residence, employment, medical care, welfare, childbirth/child-rearing/children's education, etc.
We have interpretation services in 16 languages as follows: English, Chinese, Korean, Thai, Portuguese, Spanish, Vietnamese, Russian, French, Philipino, Indonesian, Hindi, Nepalese, Myanmarese, Mongolian, Sinhala, Cambodian, Urdu, Bengal and Ukraine. We cannot accompany you to provide interpretation outside the city hall.

Tsukuba One-stop Inquiry Desk for Foreign Residents (PDF 1.7MB)

Medical Interpreters


Interested in the Medical Interpreter Service?
Have you ever had a hard time in a Japanese hospital due to a language problem?
To relieve this inconvenience and to help patients to receive adequate treatment, the Tsukuba International Association (TIA) offers the service of Volunteer Medical Interpreters.
For more details please see a PDF leaflet available at Tsukuba International Association website's Medical Interpreters information section (Medical interpreter dispatch(外部リンク))

  • Available places: Medical institutions that have a Medical Interpreters Dispatch Contract with TIA (As of 30th November 2021, available at University of Tsukuba Hospital, Tsukuba Medical Center and Ichihara Hospital of the Ichihara Medical Group)
  • Content: Hospital`s reception, medical consultation, analysis, diagnosis, letter of consent, medical certificates, etc.
    Languages: Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, English.
  • Fee: Varies depending on the institution (As of April 1st, 2019, the University of Tsukuba Hospital asks the patient to cover a part of the costs (i.e. Not Free) )
  • Making a request for an interpreter service: ask hospital staff. In the case that the hospital staff does not know of this interpreter service, contact the Tsukuba International Association.

(Note)If the new coronavirus infection spreads again, we might suspend to dispatch interpreters.

Tsukuba International Association(外部リンク)



The newsletters are translated by Overseas Student Coordinators for International Relations. There are 8 different languages in all.


  • English 英語
  • Chinese 中国語
  • Korean 韓国語
  • Thai タイ語
  • Portuguese ポルトガル語
  • Spanish スペイン語
  • Vietnamese ベトナム語
  • Indonesian インドネシア語

Related Links

“Living in Tsukuba” Guidebook for Foreign Residents

“Living in Tsukuba” is a guidebook available in English and Chinese. You can find helpful information for living in Tsukuba all in one book.


“My City Tsukuba” Map for Foreign Residents

“My City Tsukuba” is a poster size map of Tsukuba available in English and Chinese. You can also read about general information on Tsukuba City on the back.

MY CITY TSUKUBAと左上に書かれた、街の風景や人々が走ったり散歩をしている写真が4枚並んでいる写真

Global City Promotion Division


Tsukuba City Hall, 5th Floor
1-1-1 Kenkyu-Gakuen, Tsukuba City

Telephone: 029-883-1111(main)


市長公室 国際都市推進課
〒305-8555 つくば市研究学園一丁目1番地1
電話:029-883-1111(代表) ファクス:029-828-6204
