

ページID: 5595



五十嵐 立青

Mayor’s Comment Following the Announcement by Ibaraki Governor on Additional Areas in the Prefecture Where Infection is Spreading (May 3, 2021)

Provisional Translation

At a press conference today (May 3), Ibaraki Governor Oigawa announced that he has further designated 5 municipalities in the Prefecture including Tsukuba City as “Areas Where Infection is Spreading”. This designation will take effect from May 6 to May 19.  He urged residents of the designated municipalities to avoid non-essential travel, and also exhorted all restaurants and bars to close from 8pm to 5am (and to stop serving alcohol at 7pm). Ibaraki Prefecture will provide subsidies to the restaurants and bars cooperating with this request for the entire period, according to the size of their businesses.

Today, 46 people were found positive in Ibaraki Prefecture, and in Tsukuba City, there were 5 positive cases (of these, one person was confirmed positive following close contact with infected persons). We sincerely apologize for the great inconvenience this may cause for our residents and business owners. However, please cooperate with the request to avoid non-essential travel and to shorten business hours, and continue to thoroughly observe preventative measures to stop the spread of infection.

Tatsuo Igarashi
Mayor of Tsukuba


保健部 予防接種・感染症対策室
〒305-8555 つくば市研究学園一丁目1番地1
