

ページID: 2958










つくば市長 五十嵐 立青

Comment from the Mayor Regarding Extension of Ibaraki Prefecture’s Own State of Emergency (February 5, 2021)

Provisional Translation

At a press conference today, Ibaraki Governor Oigawa announced that he would extend the Prefectural State of Emergency until Sunday, February 28. He explained that the Prefecture had not reached a point where the State of Emergency could be lifted, because the hospital bed occupancy rate remained very high. Lifting of the State of Emergency will be determined after comprehensively taking into consideration the state of the medical system and infection situation, with particular attention paid to the bed occupancy rate and the number of infected persons per day.The Governor made requests to the entire Prefecture to continue to avoid non-essential travel, and to all restaurants and bars in the Prefecture to withhold services between 8pm and 5pm (and to stop serving alcohol at 7pm) during this period. Ibaraki Prefecture intends to provide a subsidy of 840,000 yen per restaurant/bar if they cooperate in the request to close early for the entire period. Also, Ibaraki Prefecture announced that it would reopen Prefectural-owned facilities from Monday, February 8 in stages after taking thorough countermeasures against infections.

For the period until Sunday, February 28, Tsukuba City will cancel or postpone some of its events and projects and take the following measures.

Events co-organized by the City

In principle, all events will be cancelled or postponed except for events with a low risk of infection such as events streamed online. Details of events will be updated on the City's official website.

Public Facilities

Public facilities such as Senior Citizens Welfare Center and Iki Iki Plaza which are often used by elderly persons will be closed. However, other public facilities and sports facilities will reopen in principle, though they may be subject to some restrictions. The details of each facility will be updated on the City's official website.

Response for Schools

Schools will remain open as usual. However, in response to the Prefecture's request, school sport events, training matches and training camps will be cancelled. Also, school sports facilities will not be open for external activity.

Ibaraki Prefecture announced that 56 people were found positive in the Prefecture and one of these was a Tsukuba resident (confirmed positive following close contact with infected persons). Although the number of infected cases has been going down since the beginning of February, in order to further reduce the number, it is important for each and every one of us to continue to thoroughly comply with preventative measures.
We sincerely apologize for the great inconvenience this may cause for you, but we appreciate your continued cooperation.

Tatsuo Igarashi
Mayor of Tsukuba


保健部 予防接種・感染症対策室
〒305-8555 つくば市研究学園一丁目1番地1
