

ページID: 2844


  • 県の対策指針の改定とともに、対応をステージ1からステージ2に引き上げ
  • 東京都への不要不急の移動・滞在について慎重な対応をすること
  • 高齢者など重症化リスクが高い方や妊婦の方は外出の際に注意をすること(これまで重症化リスクが高い方はステージ2では外出自粛でしたが県の方針が変更となりステージ3から外出自粛要請となりました)
  • 事業者及び県民向けの茨城県感染拡大防止システム「いばらきアマビエちゃん」の登録呼びかけ


つくば市長 五十嵐 立青

Comment from the Mayor following the announcement of Ibaraki Prefecture (July 3, 2020)

[Provisional Translation]

Today (July 3rd), Governor Oigawa reported that there were six cases reported as positive case of COVID-19 in Ibaraki prefecture. (One of them reside in Tsukuba)

- Change of the prefectural measure guideline of COVID-19, and lift cautioning level from stage 1 to stage 2.

- Please consider well and be very careful when traveling to or staying in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area.

- For those who are at high risk of complications due to COVID-19, please be particularly careful about going out.

(Based on the change of policy, restriction of going out for those who are at high risk of complications due to COVID-19 will start from stage 3.)

- Promoting registration of "Ibaraki Amabie-chan", a system for preventing spread of infection for both businesses owners and citizens in Ibaraki.

In Ibaraki, mainly in the south, there have been positive cases reported. Furthermore, in Tokyo, there have been more than 100 positive cases reported.

I will ask all citizens to continue practicing infection prevention measures such as washing hands, covering cough and avoiding 3Cs.

Thank you for your continued cooperation.

Tatsuo Igarashi
Mayor of Tsukuba


保健部 予防接種・感染症対策室
〒305-8555 つくば市研究学園一丁目1番地1
