

ページID: 2821




つくば市長 五十嵐 立青

Confirmed case of a Tsukuba resident's COVID-19 infection(Mar 19)

Another press conference by the Governor Oigawa was held at nine thirty a.m. today to provide additional information to the yesterday's announcement regarding the confirmation of the second positive test in the prefecture.

Initially, information of the patient such as the area of residency was withheld at the request of the person, but he agreed it to be disclosed and it was announced that he is a resident of the City of Tsukuba.

According to the information provided by the prefecture, the patient had a high body temperature while on travel, and t elephoned the public health center before going home where remained upon return.

Currently, he is being hospitalized. The case is still under investigation, and what is known at the moment is that he moved from the airport to his home by his family's car following the guidance of the health center, and both himself and his parents stayed at home.

His parents and one person accompanied his trip are considered to have been in close contact with him. A PCR test of the above three persons who had a close contact with the patient will be conducted today along with a behavioral survey, and we will continue to be in close communication with the prefecture.

I would like to ask everyone to continue to maintain calm while striving to prevent infection, and ask those who have returned from overseas on March 4th onward to remain at home (self-quarantine for 14 days from the date you arrived)(Annotation) and contact the Returnee and Contact Consultation Center.

(Annotation:added on Mar.21)


保健部 予防接種・感染症対策室
〒305-8555 つくば市研究学園一丁目1番地1
