

ページID: 4205





つくば市長 五十嵐 立青

Comment from the Mayor of Tsukuba City following the announcement of easing COVID-19 restriction stages in Ibaraki Prefecture (as of June 5)

[Provisional Translation]

On June 5th, Ibaraki Governor Oigawa announced that the COVID-19 restriction stage would be eased from Stage 2 to 1 from June 8th. During Stage 2, Ibaraki Prefecture has requested businesses with high-infection-risk to suspend business and elderly people to refrain from going out, however, these restrictions will also be lifted as we shift from Stage 2 to 1. This will be a big step towards the restart of socio-economic activities, but I would like to ask for your continued cooperation to prevent infection by keeping safe distance from each other, wearing a mask where necessary, and washing your hands thoroughly.

We will establish the guideline for reopening Tsukuba City’s facilities and will subsequently reopen them while taking infection prevention measures. We will also restart our projects and events under certain conditions. Please refer to the links below for details.

Municipal schools have been holding dispersed (staggered) classes since May, but will resume full classes and school lunch from June 8. To ensure safety, guidelines for reopening school have been drawn up with the advice of an infectious diseases expert, and the school will rigorously implement these guidelines. Kindergartens will hold an entrance ceremony on June 8th, and will open as normal from the following day. While there was a request to refrain where possible from using daycare centers and after-school children’s centers in June, this has now been lifted. Thank you to everybody involved for their cooperation.

Although the infection risk of COVID-19 will still remain, we will be starting the socio-economic activities while taking measures to prevent the spread of infection. Tsukuba City will continue to support livelihood of citizens and business operators with our first economic support project (including take-out support program for restaurants, support program for business owners using advance ticket system, etc.), our second economic support project (including subsidy for tenant rent and employment promotion project), and livelihood support project for citizens (including JPY5,000 gift vouchers for citizens who are over 70-year-old, under 18-year-old, and citizens with disabilities, and JPY30,000 payment for single parent households).

Regarding Special Cash Payment by Japanese Government, we are aiming to complete the payment by the end of June for those who applied by the end of May, as long as there are no errors in the application form. We will continue to do our best to help Tsukuba City and the people will be able to overcome difficulties caused by COVID-19. We kindly ask for your continued support.

With sincere gratitude,
Tatsuo Igarashi
Mayor of Tsukuba


保健部 予防接種・感染症対策室
〒305-8555 つくば市研究学園一丁目1番地1
