

ページID: 4203

本日、安倍総理大臣による緊急事態宣言の発令がされました。つくば市役所ではこれまで31回の対策会議を重ね、対応を続けながら宣言の発令に万全の体制で備えてきました。関東の対象区域は東京・神奈川・埼玉・千葉で、茨城は入りませんでしたが、広い茨城の中でも県南地区は都心部への行き来が日常的に多数有ります。 そのため、つくば市ではリスクレベルは対象地域と同等に高いと判断し、県知事による外出自粛要請時よりも一段階上げた体制に直ちに移行します。





みなさまには、これまで多くのご協力をいただいていることを心強く思っています。みんなで協力するよ、大変だけどがんばるよ、といった声をたくさんいただきました。そのような中でさらなるご負担をお掛けすることを心苦しく思いますが、市役所としても 市民生活の対策、経済対策についても独自のものを準備しています。これまで以上にあらゆる想定をしながら、市民一人ひとりの生活への影響を全市で注視し、問題に対して可能なことから迅速に対応をします。





つくば市長 五十嵐 立青

Request to all the citizens on the State of Emergency (as of April 7)

[Provisional translation]

Prime Minister Abe declared a state of emergency today. Tsukuba City has held countermeasure meetings 31 times and taken our own measures to prepare for this state. In Kanto area, this state will be conducted in Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, Chiba but Ibaraki is NOT included. However, Ibaraki is a large prefecture and the south area has a feature that many people come and go from/to the Tokyo metropolitan area.

For that reason, we consider that Tsukuba is under the same level of transmission risk with the target area and have decided to move on to one stage higher level of control right away.

This month will be very important not only for Tsukuba but also for Japan. It is the crossroad to determine whether to stop spreading infection or to make many people die as a result of explosive patient surge or medical collapse like abroad.

Please keep your outing within Tsukuba to a minimum, regardless of the time of day, or day of the week. Going out for appropriate purpose such as essential shopping or business, jogging by yourself, and playing in a park with your family can be accepted.

Some public facilities such as the Tsukuba Public Library and the Childcare Support Center will be closed from tomorrow until May 6th as well as the facilities which have been closed already. Please find more information on the website of Tsukuba City.

Above all, I sincerely ask you to refrain from traveling to the Greater Tokyo Are until May 6th unless it is absolute ly necessary. I think that the current biggest transmission risk for Tsukuba is from Tokyo where it is getting difficult to track the routes of the newly infected people.

If we go to Tokyo, there is a high risk to be infected unknowingly. The schools in Tokyo are closed, too. Though it is not possible that all companies would be closed, please consider constructing te lework system to refrain from traveling.

I feel reassured by all your cooperation. I have received much encouragement saying “We do what we can do” or “It is a hard time but we fight”. I feel pain to put more burdens on you but we are preparing our own support systems for the civic life and the economy.

We respond rapidly to the problem anticipating all possibility and paying close attention on any effect on the life of each citizen. In addition, I promise to work on stop spreading infection thoroughly during this term.

At the same time, I believe that it will be the time to produce something new. te lework, which has been considered to be difficult, or online medical care have started and new connection has been produced by a group called “Umagappe Tsukuba” to introduce takeaway shops inside the city.

It also triggered to work together among mayors. I called to sevral mayors of southern part of Ibaraki prefecture and confirm to share information and to think together as long as possible considering this emergency even though it is difficult to create the same result. All mayors I talked have had the same idea. Mr. Odagawa, mayor of Tsukubamirai, has made our LINE group to share documents in each local government.

It is time for each person to show his/her own potential because we have faced difficulties. If adults stay calm, children around them will be relieved. The infection risk will significantly decrease if you refrain from traveling as much as possible and you wash your hands complete ly. I know there are so many adults in Tsukuba to take the initiative measures and to say it is all right to children or those who are very anxious. I believe that it will make them comfortable.

I strongly believe that I can greet the morning with smile on May 7th with everyone. Let's get over together!


保健部 予防接種・感染症対策室
〒305-8555 つくば市研究学園一丁目1番地1
