

ページID: 4200






つくば市長 五十嵐 立青

Comment of Mayor of Tsukuba on Extension of State of Emergency (as of May 4th)

[Provisional Translation]

Today Prime Minister Abe announced to extend state of emergency till May 31st. According to this, Governor Oigawa is set to extend the request to stay home, business suspension and other measures. Since the daily number of new infections is on a downward in Ibaraki, Ibaraki might no longer be a “special alert prefecture” on May 14th after the meeting of the Government Expert Panel. Ibaraki Prefectural Government will make an announcement again on May 7th with a new measure. Based on this announcement, the City will also give out next step.

We appreciate healthcare staffs and the citizens of limited activities that we have not had new coronavirus cases since April 23rd, which is remarkable if we consider Tsukuba’s characteristics of numbers of access to Tokyo Metropolitan Area. We truly appreciate your cooperation.

Making zero outbreak is very difficult. If we can keep our hard work and do what he have been doing, it will speed up the reopening of social and economic activities.

Please remind yourself again for who you have been doing all these hard work for, keep up your good work on staying home and refrain from traveling to the Tokyo Metropolitan Areas. We very much appreciate your cooperation and support.

In addition to the Special Cash Payment by Japanese government, City of Tsukuba offers following supports in order to protect businesses and maintain citizens livelihoods,;
- Support for promoting take-out meals for restaurants
- Emergency business support
- Support for restaurants using advance ticket scheme
- Support for hotel operators
- extension on payment of tax, national health insurance and water bills
- accepting other donations

Please see the details on the City web page as follows (only available in Japanese);

In order to protect citizen's lives and livelihoods, the city of Tsukuba will make efforts to continue support and take measures to deal with this difficult situations as possible as we can. Let's get over this difficulties together!


保健部 予防接種・感染症対策室
〒305-8555 つくば市研究学園一丁目1番地1
