

ページID: 7182



  • 都内在住の家族等へ不要不急の帰省の呼びかけを自粛するなど慎重に対応
  • 通勤・通学などで移動・滞在する際は最大限の感染防止対策を実施
  • 都内への通勤・通学者などで、高熱や倦怠感などの症状が出た場合は、迷わずに「帰国者・接触者相談センター」に連絡・相談
  • 都内在住の方の茨城県内への不要不急の移動・滞在は控える


つくば市長 五十嵐 立青

Comment from the Mayor following the announcement of Ibaraki Prefecture (July 20, 2020)

[Provisional Translation]

Due to the current state of coronavirus infections in Tokyo, the Governor of Ibaraki announced today that we should now refrain from travelling to, or staying in, the Tokyo area.  We are asking all residents of Tsukuba to cooperate with these measures.


  • Please do not ask your family members who live in Tokyo to return home to Ibaraki.
  • Follow strict protocols for preventing infection when commuting to the Tokyo area, or staying in the Tokyo area, for work or school.
  • If you feel any symptoms of COVID, such as high fever or tiredness as a result of commuting to the Tokyo area for work or school, contact your local Returnee and Contact Consultation Center for New Coronavirus Infections.  (English support:yobo@pref.ibaraki.lg.jp)
  • Residents of the Tokyo area should not travel to, or stay in, Ibaraki Prefecture unnecessarily.

Furthermore, in line with the Governor’s announcement, we would like to ask Tokyo residents who have purchased Mt. Tsukuba Sightseeing Support Tickets to refrain from using them until after the alert level has been lowered.  We apologize for the inconvenience, but the tickets will remain valid until February 28, 2021, so please come and visit Mt. Tsukuba once the alert level has been lowered.

Tatsuo Igarashi
Mayor of Tsukuba


保健部 予防接種・感染症対策室
〒305-8555 つくば市研究学園一丁目1番地1
